Monday, November 4, 2019

On Becoming God

Shallow LG&BC
I realized today looking on this blog that I haven't written in awhile. Don't worry still connecting with the good and the bad side of things. I understand one thing, Truth. This rock is on it's last leg. That's what I have been going at. Strengthening and toning, all the while walking through the pain. I was with Kylie, my seer neighbor and friend, she pulled my card's. Just 2. I froze when I saw them. The first Father Sky and the other The Lord.

Rescue Me/1 Republic
Then she said your processing on becoming these 2. I knew that was the Truth. "On Becoming God" is right. I have processed so much the last few month's. Sometimes I wonder how much further? How much more knowledge that connect's with my life? I knew they were leaving me alone letting me process. Letting me B. Especially what they pulled with all these old dark beings wearing cloaks showing up in my house. I hadn't processed yet that three were Asian.

Blurry/Puddle Of Mud
The last one that showed up and put a gun to my head was Chinese. Since I have learned what is going on with China. Importing and exporting taxes. The Boston tea party all over. What another flocking hot mess you all serving yourselves as man and the machine. All you did was serve up humanity and their civil liberties. This is in the bigger scheme of things unconstitutional. Feeding humanities organ's to the God Damned Hoover of a machine to industrialize the human body to feed a machine. The need all the pharmaceuticals which came last on my rock. The need of the machine, keep coming back it works if you work it. Boy do these people work for it.

Where ever I Go/DB
I've been going back over names and numbers. One morning I got up, scrolled the channels coffee in hand nothing was on but the tail end of Davinci Code. I call Davinci Code Daughter, because well that's who I am. I knew their was one thing I couldn't remember? It was the seers with their heads backwards. The Gifted, the Sentinel. Exactly what's happening today. Only the machine can evolve not humanity. Fifth grade my brothers death. They showed up in my room. They'd shake my bed. I had just watched the horror movie called "Sentinel." It was about a year ago when I received proof of life who they are. Then they showed up Fall City 2012 again. The Grays and evolution. This was just after my grandmother showed up at 3:16 a.m. in red you could see thru her purple clothes, book and rosary in left hand with her right hand in the air.

Fight Song/RC
I'll try and separate my numbers per title as they came along. My names how I followed names and colors. I lived cum what may everyday and just excepted. I didn't pick anything. Their was something else I missed? A huge thing that I was doing all along. I recon I needed validation and this is the scene I walked into on the Davince Code Daughter. He said "she has to take it back." That's why they want me to claim it and make this video. I wore on my right wrist b4 it fell apart a bible passage that said "she will not fail." Proof of life sucks sometimes.

It All Comes Out In The Wash/ML
The name Roslyn? A location that Gwen and I would stay at in her families cabin. Then I hear "The Holy Grail against Ancient Roselyn waits. In loving arms she lies." Great they're going to kill me off again. Greg, his family and this Zion Mary the "Loki" people in my life. My prayer give me all my families burden's? I didn't expect all side's of my family going back to the garden, Egypt and the twin towers. Then all the ancestors in the cosmos. I was Truth all along. I tried but this system wouldn't let me speak. Guilty before proven innocent. Poked and prodded through this system like cattle. Like a black herd of sheep. 

The God Who Stays/MW
One of my issues was what do they want me to judge? I heard him say it on the Davinci Code Daughter, "she's 2 judge the righteous." Power of the pen of these musicians and writer's. The protron the electron and the neutron. Turns out you all got a little atom in you and that God is the conductor of this show. 

The Gospel Of St. Thomas
"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you.Not in buildings of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me." The reason why I got married outside. I figured no bigger church than those blue skies. I always knew inside that God is the creation. How could this rock that feeds us our circle of life not be my church.

Blessed Assurance/LB
Hebrews 11 1-3
Now Faith is assurance of things hoped for, proof of of things not seen. By Faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible.