Tuesday, August 13, 2019

We Belong/PB

One Love/BM
Oh what a couple weeks this has been. Yesterday I finally got an adjustment. I have hardly been able to walk. Once again my living space neglected, but hey the fruit flies think this is haven. I got my pain meds refilled, I came home and my hips started moving of their own accord. I knew what they were doing loosening me up. Around and around I go. I have to once again rebuild this house. I have had so many make overs on this journey. The Pillsbury Dough girl.

Queen Of Hearts/JN
See how intuitive this song is. I haven't been able to walk once again, so I missed a deadline. Now IC another cut back any way they can. They make it look like it's your fault. The excuse was my card was out dated. First thing in my head, "great more cards going in my landfills". I was there on Thursday I couldn't write. Hell I couldn't even focus on the application. My back and hips were out and I felt weak. It's the most ridiculous application ever. Repeat of everything over and over. Name rank and serial number, caching your dinged!

Aren't these the weak? The hungry? The poor? The mentally ill and disabled? I go back today, it's August 13th, I woke up moving, even after doing dishes, dancing around communicating. Feeling back, feeling like I'm back. I vacuumed, and started steam cleaning the carpet, feeling normal and oh so happy to clean my space. It kills me to do nothing but the basics. I even did 2 sets of my Physical therapy dance and stretching. You know that other family dance I do when I get down? Yeah I recon I do have a lil shiva in me. Tinker bell with a flare style. Oh no do you think I could be a "lil Fae"? Hilarious! Shouldn't of turned history into a myth, Man.

Call Me/PB
So you think your the man do ya? Okay so this was the cutback. I didn't have a long wait this time like I did on Thursday. I get back there, I told her nothing has changed. I truly think this is all bullshit! She pretty much asked me my address, who I was living with and the amount of rent? All that had changed was rent was increased. Imagine that? You know what "Imagine Dragons" you fuck. I mean my first day back in weeks, we have no money, not expecting this to happen. We knew I needed to come in but we've both been down. I find out that the reason I had to do a actual check in this time, I mean a physical one, because they switched banks. The reason we are broke is food, paying for it with rent. Feeding ourselves because I wasn't functioning enough. My doctor called in sick when I needed to get my new med's filled and I sank like a ship in China.

Please Forgive Me/BA
First time ever in the history of DSHS was anything done so quickly. I mean not asked my usual name rank and serial number, repeating my story that has not changed. I didn't need a new card. I didn't sign anything. That was it. I wait out front for her to bring me my new card and it's a document of my food benefits for the next three months. This month of August it is prorated from my usual $192 to $147. I asked why this was? She said "I am now considered a new client". You get a new bank and I have to pay? Your people have to pay for something that hasn't changed? I know other loans change hands and clients don't even know. Yet we have to jump through your hoops?  Any other time I did my review late on the phone I still got the whole month. I have so much to replace just from eating down to nothing. I mean I scraped the fridge to get this far. Man, IC just why my family tree is back. I call bullshit. I mean just the food stamp class to motivate you to get a job? To get you linked in?Bullshit! These are mother natures lil beasties and it's her garden.

Don't Lose This Number/PC
Oh what a tangled web you've weaved is right. That world wide web and the reason why about four months before this journey I kept feeling cobwebs across my face? When I found that in writing? It was a validation I never expected an answer to. Now I know why I cried when the girl scouts gave me red gloves with black bats for my first Christmas out here. I saw a room full of angels at Christmas supper that year. The homeless and down trodden. The beat down by this system more like it. You have poisoned my seed all the way to my cane. You got us fighting over a garden and whose worthy enough to eat. The serpent, that black oil pipeline Deep Water Horizon 11 dead. Babylon. My Lakota's the ones standing alone to fight it? Now due to cause and effect? We have the real deal, the serpent, an actual alien serpent. Is this what you all are worshiping? An alien serpent? Wait till you find out where he lives? That's a trusting souless being. No, go ahead let him suck and fuck, the hand that feeds you. Let that machine feed you and dole out credit. Our home away from home is on it's last leg. Pay back's gonna be a bitch. I always believed whatever you put out there you get back three fold and boy are you ever gonna get it.

Total Eclipse Of The Heart/BT
U have a choice sunshine up your ass or fire? Love and evolution from the inside or this machine and no humanity? Eternal love and light after I get done chewing you all out for your bad behavior. I am the mother of Truth that is ready to take a wooden spoon to some of you if you ever pull this shit again. No respect. Nit picking the fuck out of each other with this new political correctness creating all these labels and hurt feelings. Oh ouch you hurt my feelings speaking Truth. How dare you use a swear word. Blasphemy! Oh my Mercy me Mercy you. Or is it Mercury? Isaac Newton that I thot for awhile was murdered, because pretty much a lot of who they were showing me were. Yes I finally figured out the apple and Isaac. The apple and the rainbow. The atom. That's what he was trying to tell me. The Protron, the electron and the neutron. The power of the pen. Is this atom me?

Sometimes when we touch/DH
I went back through my last journal to mark pages. The things that I knew that I got more answers to? I found out the reason why I felt like it was a Chinese man, a traveler that showed up and put a gun to my head, laughing hysterically. I don't watch the news I find out the family way. I had heard something was up with China? Oh yeah we ship our recycling to China for them to shred it and blow it in our seas. This here is the reason why we are now paying out the ass for recycling. We used to get paid. Look at all those import export fee's and taxes. Last but not least, another industry shipped over seas. More jobs lost so you won't have to pay for higher labor for your own people to eat. You call yourselves educated. Educated at what taking everything and sitting in your slow wheels of justice to take back something that didn't belong to you in the first place. It looks to me your biggest character defect is integrity, truth, dignity and pride. All your blanket laws? Mrs Laws was right when I heard that word come off her at the age of 16. Your blanket laws aren't treating your people with dignity. Oh Truth is gonna hurt. Fuck me! Fuck you! I call bullshit.

I've Got To Much Time On My Hands/Styx