Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Seraphin Roars

10/3 emerald air sign sweet cheeks coffee. What is an upside down heart? An ass. A black woman flaming heart on back of coat. White van with white eagle in window. We Danced played. Heart Of Safeway truck. Music Everyday by RF. The white eagle was awesome. They will be judged sitting up there. They are not getting away with this industrializing the human body 4 their organs. Their internal organs. They own everything about the human body. Emtions, spirtualty, pain and suffering they're the cancer. The devils advocates sitting up there. They even created their own price. Supply and demand. They literally put a price on everything. They literally passed a law about everything being illegal. Hostile takeover is right. A purge like U have never seen. U have no idea. Crazy Girl. Eli Young Band Awesome. UR going 2 make Kyle do this? Be the Lion of this animal kingdom? Weather he wants 2 or not he's gonna have 2 deal. No sex for 2 weeks. Nothing inside me. The deluge of the sun is about that black square I saw on the cooking sign. The monoply. Relgion, politics, the bank the stock machine. Its true what is sitting in those banks us compounded interest on marked up fees like fleas. On marked up principle on literally everything. It has been setting it's own price for everything for centuries. Unstoppable/RF Compression, Supression, Depression, and Recession. In the body and in life. Over and over. It literally jacked up all the prices on everything on this rock's resources. Mother Mary and Gaia. They don't want U 2 acknowledge this rock that feeds them or that moon mother in any way shape or form. Do not honor the garden or the mother's at all throughout history and time. God gave man power 2 stand over these women all these centuries 2 make a point. Look what U did with it? Especially the elite entitled white man. Where did this shit cum from anyway? Blown Away. The white man cracking that whip. The Pilote. No way JC was white. He was olive skinned U dumbshits. Yeah a white man blond hair born in that region during that time? That would B a miracle. Yeah he'd blend. laugh my fucking ass off. Yet it was prophetic of the man whom painted that. Summer Of 69/BA Okay I figured Kyle's 4 cancers think U could lighten up up there. I mean if your gonba make him do this he's gonna need his strength and energy. Remember my dark cloud? U lifted that so don't tell me U can't lift cancer. U raised Lazarus from the dead and that little playmate of yours as a child. U healed the lame the blind the ill. Hell U lifted demons off of people's heads. ISIS ain't getting away with shit. My Best FriendTM Their ain't no 17 virgins U dumbshits. One more fist raised 2 a woman, 1 more rock thrown, 1 more slicing of that clit, 1 more rape, 1 more molestation of a child, 1 more murder serving up your own Justice U will have picked a door. Hands down. Better Man/DC I'm not going 2 speak the Truth and allow this mistreatment of another woman or child. Whose raping who now? Since when does JC's flock whom carries love in there heart for this rock not have the right 2 defend? Humble be humble at the humiliation your doling out? To your veterans that fought for your freedom for all U 2B standing in this land of freedom today? For that one God whom stands for feedom and Justice? Seems 2 me JC's flock has defended minimum on this rock for 6000 years now. Knowingly. meet In The Middle/Diamond Rio This procedure 2day bought me sum time and a good excuse. Sweet! Just what I needed. Drunk On U/Luke Bryan.               A Lil' Bit StrongerS/E What is awesome is that I have figured out I'm not only the redeemer but your Punisher as well. Now do I have 4 horsemen standing up there or do I have 4 families whom have already picked their door? Upstairs or downstairs U choose. U and your justified system salung out freedom and literally industrized everything our justified system all these middle men. Slow wheels of justice IC. My families will be swift ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust I don't give a fuck. U industrialized the human body inside out. Supply and demand right? Yes pay U will up there by the time I'm done with U, it will be U slave drivers that created this hot mess down here, U will have nothing. That U won't need a bank for.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Seraphin Roars

10/3 emerald air sign sweet cheeks coffee. What is an upside down heart? An ass. A black woman flaming heart on back of coat. White van with white eagle in window. We Danced played. Heart Of Safeway truck. Music Everyday by RF. The white eagle was awesome. They will be judged sitting up there. They are not getting away with this industrializing the human body 4 their organs. Their internal organs. They own everything about the human body. Emtions, spirtualty, pain and suffering they're the cancer. The devils advocates sitting up there. They even created their own price. Supply and demand. They literally put a price on everything. They literally passed a law about everything being illegal. Hostile takeover is right. A purge like U have never seen. U have no idea. Crazy Girl. Eli Young Band Awesome. UR going 2 make Kyle do this? Be the Lion of this animal kingdom? Weather he wants 2 or not he's gonna have 2 deal. No sex for 2 weeks. Nothing inside me. The deluge of the sun is about that black square I saw on the cooking sign. The monoply. Relgion, politics, the bank the stock machine. Its true what is sitting in those banks us compounded interest on marked up fees like fleas. On marked up principle on literally everything. It has been setting it's own price for everything for centuries. Unstoppable/RF Compression, Supression, Depression, and Recession. In the body and in life. Over and over. It literally jacked up all the prices on everything on this rock's resources. Mother Mary and Gaia. They don't want U 2 acknowledge this rock that feeds them or that moon mother in any way shape or form. Do not honor the garden or the mother's at all throughout history and time. God gave man power 2 stand over these women all these centuries 2 make a point. Look what U did with it? Especially the elite entitled white man. Where did this shit cum from anyway? Blown Away. The white man cracking that whip. The Pilote. No way JC was white. He was olive skinned U dumbshits. Yeah a white man blond hair born in that region during that time? That would B a miracle. Yeah he'd blend. laugh my fucking ass off. Yet it was prophetic of the man whom painted that. Summer Of 69/BA Okay I figured Kyle's 4 cancers think U could lighten up up there. I mean if your gonba make him do this he's gonna need his strength and energy. Remember my dark cloud? U lifted that so don't tell me U can't lift cancer. U raised Lazarus from the dead and that little playmate of yours as a child. U healed the lame the blind the ill. Hell U lifted demons off of people's heads. ISIS ain't getting away with shit. My Best FriendTM Their ain't no 17 virgins U dumbshits. One more fist raised 2 a woman, 1 more rock thrown, 1 more slicing of that clit, 1 more rape, 1 more molestation of a child, 1 more murder serving up your own Justice U will have picked a door. Hands down. Better Man/DC I'm not going 2 speak the Truth and allow this mistreatment of another woman or child. Whose raping who now? Since when does JC's flock whom carries love in there heart for this rock not have the right 2 defend? Humble be humble at the humiliation your doling out? To your veterans that fought for your freedom for all U 2B standing in this land of freedom today? For that one God whom stands for feedom and Justice? Seems 2 me JC's flock has defended minimum on this rock for 6000 years now. Knowingly. meet In The Middle/Diamond Rio This procedure 2day bought me sum time and a good excuse. Sweet! Just what I needed. Drunk On U/Luke Bryan.               A Lil' Bit StrongerS/E What is awesome is that I have figured out I'm not only the redeemer but your Punisher as well. Now do I have 4 horsemen standing up there or do I have 4 families whom have already picked their door? Upstairs or downstairs U choose. U and your justified system salung out freedom and literally industrized everything our justified system all these middle men. Slow wheels of justice IC. My families will be swift ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust I don't give a fuck. U industrialized the human body inside out. Supply and demand right? Yes pay U will up there by the time I'm done with U, it will be U slave drivers that created this hot mess down here, U will have nothing. That U won't need a bank for.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Say the pledge of allegiance
So Congress and U lawyers up there, how did U feed Gods flock?
U didn't did U no U fed that mother flocking machine, not Gods flock.
IC U did a fine job recreating the leper colony.

(This video of Truth is not for children) (Don't ever relabel Truth with one of your conspiracy theories)

Put on hat, take off mask. Pick up torch and book. I just did a clearing like you do in heaven. First you stand in front of God. 3 times in 3 different garden's with Greg's hands in chains behind his back and head on the ground I begged God not to take my children's father. I walked around for the next 4 month's what garden?
 At 3:16 one night stomping my feet on a grate by the red rock I went into TA no one was in there and I needed carbs and caffeine so I ordered coffee and a cinnamon role. I was told I have to leave or they'd call the police. No one was in there. I leave. I go to the back after saying a prayer outside in whispers and then to the back electric panel. I put my hand on the door and heard brothers, code and doors. Since I have learned whom my X really is and I was wondering why someone was pushing my right leg to kick him in the ribs. Now I'm going too. They still called the police and 86'd me from the restaurant. I worked there 3 times and I only 86'd one person ever.

Ask who am I Congress?

Could IB the reason that Liberty is a Lady?
IC we have a justified system now based on whose gonna pay for someone else's education.
IC U politically correct fat rat bastards in about 2000 rewrote the english language into a politically correct language.
In 2000 we report to a system and we have no rights to defend ourselves at work, or our school system, but you can diagnose my kid for 3 years and tell me I Have no rights to even ask a question. Now you want to treat children by the age of 12 for depression. Your not doctors and that is not allowed anymore.
I'm not a droid, I'm a human being,
I'm going to speak and don't anyone ever tell me I can't speak. Or how to speak. I'm Truth, Hilary and Bill you literally allowed the people who caused the depression in the 20's control to depress us today. To gray us down. Wasn't it you in 95 that wanted to pass a pharmaceutical bill and it didn't go through so you went around just like you lawyers an politicians.

Take off cape

Why so many people carrying that scarlet letter A in this united states. Who got to decide this standard? Plus penalties and you no longer have any rights. U never let these people off the chain gang. Instead they wear bracelets. They have blow and go's and cameras in their bedrooms anf have to get up so many hours at a time. Then theirs that dangerous piece of equipment to go in cars and my landfills. Hey how about the cost and fines.
IC we have no civil liberties anymore can't even defend ourselves in court.
All to label us up and industrialize us. Jump through your hoops, with your heavy fines.
Hey keep coming back, it works if you work it. Not!

IC you didn't take care of your white collar crimes up there nor down here with your little people.

Take monkey off

So who am I now congress?
Perhaps I'm Jobe here to set a new presidence on freedom, cuz their ain't no freedom up in this house is there?
Perhaps you should look up at Freedom on your State Capital.
Since when is it illegal for a native woman whom comes from a long line of 7 and 12's all the way back to that 4, 3, 2, 1, to make an agreement with her higher power to become a vessel for her family tree line,
1. To live come what may with her back pack on her back to walk through your system.
2. Accept anything freely given
3. To have faith to go through any open door,
4. Oh and I had to be willing to look crazy

(that's not to hard to do now is it Gregary Allan, Mr. GAP himself and you Mary Chocran Stone after what you two pulled with my four bank accounts and 3 businesses, in a 90 day period. That wonderful character assassination you pulled for over 6 years people came up to me and told me what you were doing. Never thought I'd speak right Mary. Yet we don't defend white collar crime or the abuse this man doled out on me. Now Mary I saw you up there when I was off the beaten path by the Genie and Gull and Pride take my photo when I had a braid going down my left shoulder with my right hand in the air praying quietly take my photo and call the police. Since when does praying with no one around illegal? Greg believe me when I say I want the Gregorian to fall out off the sky wasn't it just before when U showed up and I told you to stay out of this journey, I put my righ hand in the air and I cried and said Nothing grows without love and light but your incapable of love aren't you. Mary God say's you and Jim aren't his flock. Bite me bitch.) I will get back to you two Greg and Mary.)

How about when I walked through a field and I heard druid, seer, messiah, scribe, celt, and I didn't know what any of this meant. So I let them guide me each day. Well this family tree line from the heavens grew. 

Just because you don't want it to be true it don't make it untrue. The only time I read a bible was in fifth grade after my brothers death. Of course I opened it to Revelations and the 4 Horsemen. I threw it across the room and I said my God would never do this. Now I'm here to say oh yes he would.

boy what did I find with your abuse of power in all walks of life.

Your discrimination against the homeless epidemic that you created.

I don't like how you treat my veterans when they come in and ask for water. You know the one's stuck in this system with the rest of the homeless, they are looked down on like if this peace of shit man can even pay for your 27 cent cup, and where are they gonna throw it away. Why are you CA even charging for cups and condiments in the first place. There is a reason why only the meek shall inherit the earth and I don't disagree.

Sides what about your garbage reinventing the wheel right TA. You didn't invest in your people. You don't back up your servers. U have unrealistic expectations of service, but hey keep investing in recreating your own condiment line. Something we already have. You can't do any better than A1. You jumped me when I called the general manager to discuss some things that I was seeing that we could do better. Someone whose been in customer service since 15. Someone whom handled unhappy customers for every lead, the assistant manager and other servers. They walked out satisfied. I know how to listen. U and your people don't. It's going in my landfills.

I couldn't even get to my own boss to say the truckers want more fruit on that salad bar. Hey how about when I went into the store and I couldn't buy a cup od fruit with my ebt card because it was cut in the restaurant. Sorry you wouldn't listen to me personally so I'm gonna serve you up Truth now. You deserve it after I waited and watched the sun come up until your property manager came in. I didn't want anything, just to say he's on camera. I knew the agreement I made before I got my axis beat back into aliment by that guy. I didn't speak yet and your maintenance guy grabbed me by the arm and literally tossed me off the lot. Someone whose worked there 3 times. All I was gonna do is say he's on camera following me out at this time.

Now your not gonna like what you have sitting on that lot. You can't get rid of it without me.

There is no balance, maybe you should go back to school and learn not all black people are from Africa, I'm a 51 year old woman who never asked anyone for there green card.

They also wanted me to see how you treat a rape victim Corporate America and you hospitals with that HIPPA form. Don't worry no spilled seed, he didn't like my Truth either when I told him the Truth of why he rapes women? Plus I bit him right behind the heart, Hair like women teeth like lions, cuz I am the lion. He me roar. Your done mistreating your women like they're second class citizens. Their ain't no RESPECT still for your women. We have digressed.

They wanted me to see country pride how you discriminate against a native woman praying on a red rock shedding here tears under the full moon, with feathers in her hair. You do know even though you purchased it it's still native land and you harassed and discriminated against me Since when do we call the police on a woman who didn't bother anyone, except use my EBT card in your store, the only place I could eat but you 86'd me.

Plus a man came up behind me and he said she is calling the police to say theirs a prostitute on the lot. The whole reason I got in his semi. I'm taking my country pride back corporate America. Your done beating down your women. The police man said he had never had a more calm and analytical interview with a rape victim. He walks out and the nurses come in and take my stuff. Open a curtain place a man at the foot of my bed and was told if I try to leave I'll be institutionalized. All to label you up and bill the insurance.

Get into the kid yelling Annie. Mrs. Laws and your institutions.

Plus they wanted me to see the abuse of power with the psychiatrist I had. Bad news. I did nothing. The agreement was to see if I had my 6 day's of tears coming off of Paxil. Took me 17 years to get that shit out of my system. Nothing happened on the 6th day I was fine. This doctor comes in the day after the 3rd day and tried to make me take one of 3 drugs.

How about when I went in one night to ask what the protocol was so I didn't bother anyone or break any rules, and I was walking off the lot 

(Did I really hear my own President today who is representing a diversified group of people say those Mexican rapist? Hey you know what George I have worked with many Mexican's, some have been my neighbors ever try to rape me. Hey George I know we can't take everyone on but don't you think everyone should have freedom? Don't you think it's time to take down these walls?)

Why do you think freedom has a blanket on her left shoulder?
Maybe cuz you fucked it up with your blanket solutions to your pollutions, like making everyone go to physical therapy. I did it one time and it fucked me up. I had ice on it for 2years. When I tried to get help I got sent back and you know what I got a 10 week migraine. I ended up in the hospital and surgery replacing two disc.) They tried to send me back 3 more times when one doctor tried going to bat for me. Would not listen to him say she can't do it, that's how she got here.

Could I be the author the finisher the redeemer while those four horsemen and my family tree line are the punisher. I am not a religious woman. I don't believe in religion. On this journey I learned I'm a one with all. The owl from Greece. Hey isn't our whit house have a Greek setting. I know to be Astar today get a reality show.