Thursday, April 4, 2019

I'm going to do the best I can to type this. I want it documented what this insurance, Pharmaceuticals and doctors have done to me. Yes they make it about sin.
In 2016 I couldn't hold plates or trays. I wanted to go to my own doctor but I was told I had to go to a workman's comp doctor. I went and a workman comp doctor only checks range of motion. I tried telling her I can't hold again plates and trays but they legalized this. Wonder how much money that doctor has made off of others suffering?

In the summer of 2017 I was in North Bend at the library and my left arm wouldn't work or hand. Walked into a doctor to see if I'm having a heart attack? Not panicked but I wanted to know. He pushe on my knots and tried to write me for the 3 pat prescriptions they offer everyone. I said no. I wasn't there for that and these pat presxriptions aren't doing anything for people. Gabipatin is the worst. Why does the insurance and pharma get to profit off of others suffering? All to feed a machine they industrialized the human race for our organs. All to feed an industry.

Then my lower left leg started to go numb and later not work hardly at all. Couldn't get doctors to listen.

Then I started to get pain down my neck and left arm. Sitting in a specialist office for Vascular syndrom he wouldn't let me speak.

Another doctor in kent wouldn't let me speak. They send everyone to PT evn though this is what flaired it. I tried a second round and ended up with a ten weak migraine. This bitch wouldn't let me speak at all.

Sen't to pain clinic and tried to discuss my symptom's and he wouldn't let me speak. He cut me off and wanted an xray of left hip but I was trying to talk about my neck.