Thursday, August 2, 2018


Hopeless/Breaking Benjamins
Genocide. That's a scary word. It's the word that keep's popping up in my mind this last week. It seems you on top governing this United States, as well the other countries, God say's you committed Genocide. Everything is literally poisoned now. Our air, mother natures seed. the soil. You literally took her garden and industrialized it to feed a machine all to make a living off of humanities suffering and pain. All these blanket laws, blanket pain, blanket blame and insurance? You literally signed away a human beings rights to own their own body from the inside out to feed the doctor and hospital machine, pharma hell, the HIPPA. 1996 the plague is this, Western medicine. You literally sold the garden to the entity. Lock stock and barrel. U industrialized the human race 2 feed a machine.
All Around Me/Fly Leaf
God's patience with me is coming to an end. Yes God has emotions. Whoever told you God doesn't have emotions? I keep yelling at Him, "trust you?" My whole God damned life? You stole my whole life to make a point? I have been institutionalized and jailed because of you. I have been beaten. I have been raped. I lost everything because of you. All those prophets who came before? Jesus Christ? John The Baptist? Elijah?
Angel/Theory Of A Deadman
Anastasia Tzar? What about all those martyrs standing for their faith? Where were you? You did not come did you? How many thousands of years and lives lost over this entity? You left me out there alone taking the hits? U marry me off to Satan? Now that's a broken picker if their ever was one. Why would you ever hand me a man like Jim? Then God flashed me into a scene with Jim's gritted teeth pressed against my cheek. Telling me I will never leave? He tells me I was standing right there the whole time. Yeah and fine help you were? I was the one getting football tackled and thrown to the ground not you.
Then he flashed me back to the scene after I dialed 911 and Jim hung up the phone. I full swing bitch slapped him. Then I grabbed him by his shirt collar, lifted him up off the ground turned to my right. and threw him across the room. I always wondered how I did that? No this answer didn't help me any. At least he landed his ass on the couch. You want me to Trust you after all this? My God you put me through hell. My whole God Damned life.
Dear Agony/BB
Now you want me to put my children's lives at risk? My nieces, my sister and my family? What about that man? Your music, your mountain, your man with the lions bridge? The deluge? What of his children, his life, his family? Do you know what you are asking me to do? Fuck me! Trust U after all this? Not one time did you come? Then the next day God turned the tables back around on me. All those prophets who have come before me, all those centuries? All those lives for Faith and Freedom? What an asshole. You have the gull to dump all this shit on me and use that as a weapon?
Zombie/Bad Wolves
Now the guilt steps in. Then he asks me about the test question my father asked me in my dreams? My answer, love. I do this for love. Those Catholic mothers have nothing on guilt when it comes to God. Can't hold a candle to this guy. No siree Bob. All those lives are here for me? Oh I get it. I just don't like it. It doesn't help any to discover that the fallen angel really is an entity. Who knew? Certainly not me. Some day's I wonder if I followed the wrong prophet myself? All those churches and the names? Clueless doesn't even begin to describe. Naive lil' old me, must be a family trait. 
Blue On Black/5 Finger Death Punch
I know I'm literally on my last leg. My left leg wobbles when I step down. I can't go on walks anymore for exercise either. Even if I use my cane my left arm and hand are to weak to lean on for long periods of time. It doesn't help either the deluge of the sun is another human being. Who is getting treated for the fourth time and surgery to boot. My God! I can't just do this when he is at his weakest. Fuck me! What an asshole. I can't believe I agreed to this b4 I came back to live on this rock? Who would ever agree to this? I must of had some strong Faith once upon a time?
The Clincher/Chevelle
The weird thing is I'm not afraid of the entity. What I have learned after this agreement? The silencing of my little lambs? It never dawned on anyone that their really is an entity that is using the machine in all walks of life to wipe out humanity? To deplete this rock so mother nature can't feed her children? You poisoned her essence, her seed, her soil, so my children would not notice. You literally got everyone to jump on board and earn a commission to erode away mother nature. Gotta do your part. Isn't mother nature supposed to feed you and give you your medicine each day? Not Corporate America and you big brother. You remember the saying "death and taxes?" Yeah IC the pyramid scheme you got going on down here? Death for whom? Certainly not the people down here.
Blow Me Away/BB
Yes big brother and pharma hell, this mother thinks that blocking evolution to go in my landfills is a crime against humanity, my animal kingdom, and God. You fucked up up there. Oh I promise, I point my finger up. Right up at you congress.Their ain't no freedom up in this house. Oh no you signed away humanities rights long ago. Their ain't no Constitution. You poisoned that from the inside out signing away a human beings rights to own their own body. From that scarlet letter A, to the HIPPA and now we have Home Land Security. You have all abused it. Your blanket laws and blame game you got going on don't treat another human being with dignity and respect. Take the race card out of Civil Rights? You got human rights. The right to be treated humanely. The right to defend? Can't even practice your civil liberties in a court room today?
Talk about a burning Bush family sitting up there.  Look George W. Bush Sr. We both married back in2 the family. Tell me George Sr. would U ever label your wife the mother of your children as crazy and unstable all 2 cover a crime and a bill for 12 thousand dollars after 12 years of marriage? He knew this woman named Mary Cochran Stone for 90 day's.  Would U have no thought about the repercussions of what U did 2 your wife's future in a small town? A woman whom did volunteer work and worked with the mentally challenged that U are doing with those lies Would you destroy her pride, her dignity and her reputation and not give one thought about it. A woman whom heard through her whole marriage you got to do your part? I assure you this woman did nothing but pack and hall his drunk ass around for 12 years. Yet you pass laws saying a woman can not speak the Truth about the abandonment and the set up. Would you want your wife the mother of children to go hungry. Would you do everything in your power to show up every where she did in the beginning to make sure he could spread the rumor that she is a insane drugged up junkie and none of it was true. He's the Loki one. U don't C abuse in a marriage, you don't C neglect and some scars you do not C. Hey Bush? Terrorist! Terrorist! Terrorist! The first word I said on that oil can? ISIS. The second word? Twin tower's. U didn't even acknowledge that hot molten lava being placed on those steal beams ahead of time? U didn't acknowledge your own constituent's screaming and yelling about this set up. U just turned a blind eye. U just kept moving forward like nothing had happened. Did I not hear U say George Bush Jr. That any decisions you have made that their would be no consequences?
When I look at the breaking of those 10 commandment's and those 7 deadly sins I assure U I point my finger up. Hey Barbara would U like 2 cum say hello to daddy. Or how about U George Jr. would U like 2 cum say hello to grandpa. I got him right here sitting inside my X. This boy is so numbered up and he doesn't even know it. Including his birth date. The 666 he carries in his name and his social security number. Turns out he was born in the jungle. He was born in the Emerald City. Do you know who had it right in your family tree line? Your brother Jeb. You can't have a heart in politics. That's what's missing is heart. You literally are serving a machine living in a matrix. You did say you stand on the side of freedom. Ring a bell? You know the way IC it Bush, they called me when they broke my rock? ISIS. Who say's God doesn't have a plan? Since when does JC's children not have the right to defend? You whom want's all the wrong power for the wrong reasons, sure have taken advantage of that. Humility vs. you humiliating God's flock? I do not think so. The only reason JC did not defend was because of God's incentive program. Love for his mother and his unborn seed's in her belly. Yup their were 2. Always 2. Another documentary. On one box Jesus Christ and Judah. The other Mary and Kai. Thank you my theorist whom had it right all along on Ancient Aliens. Your theorist are the truth.  
Falling Inside The Black/Skillet
No! I don't want or need another man in my life telling me to keep quiet about their children's or someone else's disrespect to feed their ego's. Their illusions and lies of whom they really are. As far as this mother is concerned you ain't a man you are a mouse with illusions of grandeur. I'm not going 2B someone else's trophy wife. I'm not going 2B someone else's shit magnet for their bad spineless behavior. Got to do my part? Put a price on your partner in life they aren't a partner but a possession. I will not enter another relationship with a entitled man telling me I have 2 do my part and earn my keep, by doing your cycle of dirty laundry. You can do your own laundry. U can clean up your own dishes and do your own shopping, because that food doesn't magically show up on the table. I will never stand for another human being telling me what I should be grateful for when I've known all along.