Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs/Green Jelly
06/13/2016 Ahkanotun! They want me to go there?
Like I don't have enough on my plate? Satan my brother I am going to kill you. I have learned just how much of a shell my body really is? Oh yes you three can touch the outer layers of this shell, but not the inside. What do I have three? The dishwasher, the fallen angel. The Snoqualmie policeman, Satan. Lucifer the Maintenance Man. You know what else I learned is that lil' demon dog you sent my way with rocks like fist? The one that straightened my TMJ? Yeah I have learned that what is for me is the same for you. Your three bodies are just a shell too. I have learned their is always a trinity that represents another trinity even in the planets and the stars. In the light and the dark.

You three are circling around that extra terrestrial and I here your looking for a bride? Well brother that shit just ain't going down like that. What the flock, you think I wouldn't notice your poisonous seeds planted in everything and do to cause and effect the gray area and the gray matter you have created in the system and in our hearts and minds? Yeah that's right mother fucker I figured out what that four square was? That foreign black square that I saw on the cooking line? That system is the black square you created with all your taxes, classes and fines in this fucked up system. All these toll booths? Yeah that's right you think I don't see your trolls on these peoples heads and on our transportation system? You like that don't you? All that tunneling you two have done for centuries stripping away mothers resources and energy? You Mother Fucker are dead. Primal Fear Yorkie is ready to come out and play bitch. These wars for greed on mothers food? The misdirection and misguidance and control over the media and what we here. LIES, LIES, LIES. GREED GREED, GREED, ENTITY, ENTITY. ENTITY. You are the monopoly game. In my justice and hell care system, you used that scarlet latter A, to box in and misdiagnose my flock?

I have been simmering and brewing just ready to snap. I have been tired trying to sleep and finally I have a bed in my red room. My mother fucking period lasted for six days this last time. The migraines and sinus migraines on my first day of work? Right to the day and now I discover a twin planet that isn't so nice. the evil twin planet? Oh my brother I crash your house of cards and tell all those lil' poisonous seeds of lies you have planted oh so long ago? Yeah that's right brother you think our mother doesn't see your poisonous seeds in her soil you dumb fuck? The seeds of illusions and lies you have planted everywhere creating distention with all your wars and clubs? Let me count the way you dumb fuck? You are dumb as a box of rocks if you think for one God Damn Minute that that mother of Truth upstairs isn't in the house today to take down all those demon dogs you have planted on peoples heads with all your labels of misdiagnosed mental illness?

Oh brother let me count the way of just how you have turned our mother and fathers love into EVOL? How you just twisted it around? You know what I did with your black square brother? I turned it into a black heart. Wanna know why I chose a black heart bitch? Because anything pointed up to the heavens with that big V on the top and a sharp point to the ground is better than that black square any day. Your black square of stress you placed on his flock you mother fucker. I am so mother fucking hot its not even funny.

Then I wondered who's black heart it belongs to? Is it my black heart? Is it Greg's black heart? You know the one who is the father of my two daughters? Yeah that's right bitch he has quite the Achelous Heal? That German and Japanese Father can be a real son f a bitch. You don't even know. Oh that's right brother you were there all along weren't you. Blocking that boy from love. Yeah he was a real unemotional twisted son of a bitch he was. Odd not one time did that boy help me or lend a hand. Not with Curt spitting beer in my face when all I asked him was how the home buying was going? Who's wedding was that bitch? Oh yes it was Curt and Shari's wedding. The one who as I stood on that oil can and I heard the word niece. Imagine my surprise that I am her aunt? That my brother who was just eight years older than me fathered a child? I wonder if he knew? I wonder if JC knew? I wonder just where in the hell Adam was in that garden when Eve stood alone with the snake? Sound familiar Greg? You always sent this bitch out to fight and every time I turned around you were gone. You know Greg, for a chiropractor you sure were spineless.

Greg did I ever tell you that I counted nine ant hills going to work every morning? Weather I took you to work or we drove together. Always nine ant hills I counted. Greg you know those two gardens sure are nice. I particularly liked that zen garden you put in the front yard. I loved that red beet. I loved those three tomato's those were oh so good. Now did I eat three strawberries or seven. Actually I had the strawberries and beet the first time around and the second was the tomato's. The first was strawberries. Thank you brother.

Know what else I learned Satan that ant's are related to the honey bee family? The only time I ever got bit by any ants was on my bruises on the outside of my thighs from that rape, the evening I went into that third place. What was that? Who did I meet in there? A mother with seven children and three fathers. Yup native woman in the service. That woman kept falling down. Every time I tried to relax she fell down. The energy and time I put into that one? Yeah Brother I saw what you had sitting on her head. That woman can barely stand up with all the pressure you have on that ones head. Oh yeah that was only the first mother of seven children and three fathers I have met on this journey. Walking through your cement hell of paradise. Just moving through this system that is well over extended. WOW! You like this brother and you have your hand in every cookie jar IC. All while you poison our mothers food all to buy and sale land and buildings, that will never be paid off. You think I don't see just what it is you two are doing?

You poison our sun not GOD. Yup you think I don't see what you are doing to the hearts of people on that first heart break and every heart break after that? Rejection, rejection, rejection and you have it placed in all those club houses of religion with all the rules and rituals just to be close to you? Not God..That's right you mother fucker to keep them close to you not God? Keep them in purgatory guilt and shame? One rule for all those hearts? They get rejected if they don't follow your rules and rituals all the while they judge each other ? You keep man kind separated in all these big houses of God. Now really brother how is that love? You know that just isn't our mother and fathers way. You like to keep them binded to all those books that only tell part of the story? Yeah that's right I figured out how you planted that ego seed in all those big books. That Eve is to blame for that garden and that man is greater than and superior to woman in God's house? Come on brother Adam and Eve are both his children isn't that right? Always a brother and a sister through generations? You like that blame Adam placed on Eve's head don't you? The power of persuasion right brother? That lil' human infraction out of fear grew and grew and so did the poison of the lie.

Yup that is right we have Adam's rib. Oh how many dislocated ribs have I had over this lifetime? Torn muscles between my vertebrae. What do I have seven disc that used to burn and catch fire. All those huge knots and lil knots all on top and all around as the pain waves in and out through each disc. What was I petrified wood? What the fuck have you done to all of mothers trees? You cut them down you poison our air. You make us weaze and cough all under the illusion of protection from the sun and defense of our country? ISIS is just one of the poisons you planted in our nations to take it down. ICU you entity with all your greed and corporations controlling man kinds well being. Deciding who lives and dies all based on greed? You prey on our emotions with your demons and labels due to cause and effect. Those are Mother Natures children's emotions not yours. You don't get to choose how many of his flock get to populate her home not yours.

Rejection of that first time your heart gets broken? That is just the first hit weather it came from the mother or the father. That pain metastasizes into illness doesn't it? Every time we get rejected after that the poison grows and grows. You beat us down through this gauntlet of a hell care system you burn us out so we fade away. So no one will notice his flock disappear while you tag his children pilgrimage and rape? So you can feed us poison in all those death camps while you take down this United States? You do not get my heart. My heart is a heart of gold and I do have enough love for this planet. If all it takes is one tiny heart beat and these lil twinkle toes to dance the night away for that family upstairs so be it. It won't be the first time I poked the bear brother. I have discovered why people name their cars? Those automobiles are the animal inside us. The only animal I need is my twinkle toes. About that heart beat brother that is no problem when Mother Nature holds that staff.