Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The High Cost Of Sin


I'm sad, very angry and I am done with all this shit! I see a take down coming on. No one will listen because they don't want to know. People are scared and want to stay inside their safety box of beliefs that have been instilled in their minds oh so long ago. I have found that people are afraid to search anywhere for answers out of fear. Their is so much fear and chaos all around us. Don't get me wrong again I have nothing against the bible it just doesn't tell everything. The bible creates fear through sin. You live inside certain guidelines in life in order to live life and get through each day. We are told don't go anywhere else for answers outside of this box. That instills fear that it is a sin. That God doesn't want you to have the answers. Did you know astrology is in the bible? Did you know that Kings used Seer's for health and advice? They got written out for some reason. I guess it's a sin? Now I don't agree with religion crossing political lines at all. Except for one thing, No matter what God you pray to we are all his children.

We have many other Native tribes all across our Nations. Every Nation long ago wore feathers and beads and carried their children. We had Tobacco and coffee beans. Don't forget all those African's who tore up there skin everyday working those cotton fields in that hot sun. All because of the color of their skin, Our Natives lost land that was sacred for generations back. The Natives grew their garden's and hunted over time. They never took more than they can carry. They always said thank you to the mother earth and God for their family, their food and water. That was the basic concept of Native people. So you have 3 things you need to survive food, water and medicine. Be careful just what it is you are feeding your children every day. What do you feed them when you use your words? Are they made to feel shame, guilt, or rejection? Sometimes we have so much fear within our belief systems that we hurt others trying to protect them. Sometimes it's misguided. I have found that with religion and Native tribes no one wants to look outside of what they are supposed to be seeing all along. I don't know much about Europe, but in the beginning long ago I screamed out I saw nine silver bullets. I didn't even know that ISIS was going to hit Europe. But I knew ISIS had something to do with this? Not all people who wear scarves on their heads wants war.

We all wear different hats each day. My Native grandmother, my grandma Bishop showed up in my room all dressed in purple from the late 60's with a purple scarf on her head. I only met her once in my life. She still chewed snuff and she had never had a haircut. Oh she got bad migraines. She had a purple rosary and a purple book in her left hand. I rebuked her I sent her away. I thought she was the evil one. I have found that pretty much my whole childhood every time I got woke up their was always someone sitting there just watching me. I got woke up allot looking back. Nothing ever hurt me, they just wanted acknowledgement I guess. I used to scream a lot in the middle of the night.

I have found that within the State and Federal Government we are being categorized and placed in more boxes. Our ethnicity, our income, our class. Programs? What category of a program do you fit in? I pay attention to what goes on around me and I notice that when people go to court their is no justice. Just more fines and a payment plan. I have heard you are not here to defend your case, that if you are here you are guilty. When you go to court aren't you innocent until proven guilty? Isn't that why people go to court, to tell their side of the story? Their is no justice anymore. More rules and classifications, more fines, more places to be on any given day. Our laws because of all this classification and race cards people are playing have taken us away from the constitution and the basic laws, a solid foundation to help us through the tough times. Something to look back on. We have religion here in the states and we all celebrate our holidays within our own traditions and faith. That is good. But now we are fighting for those traditions. We are condemned for celebrating Christmas and Santa Claus. To use the word Christ on a Pagan holiday is a Sin now IC? Wipe out his name Christ in Christmas because a system came along and said so? Wipe out His name wipe out Hope IC? We are being slowly eroded away. People feel like they are sinning when they don't do what they are told? When they don't accept the B.S., people are feeling worse and worse because of all the stress that this system is creating.

They make it about the homeless and our ebt cards and food stamps. They are the ones poisoning us with all this GMO and celiac disease, messing with our weather system and all the poison in the air all under the guise of protecting us. They are shutting down peoples private wells on their own land. Fining them. Taking control of our water and it's turned to poison. On this journey I followed mother natures trails. That natural fertilizer and no one walked beside me. I screamed up at the sky, "Not this shit again? I hate this shit." On a gold mound behind that truck stop, I used to lye and nap upon a gold mound, facing East. It was warm in the sunlight. Once when I was there I had just went around some lands and spread the river water with flower petals and pine needles from around Cadman mine. When I got there I took off my long pants and I had legging shorts on underneath. I pretty much wore all summer long pants because I was always in the woods. They would have me go place to place to show me just what they wanted me to see at that truck stop. I was asked to wash my self with that river water upon that mound. I painted my nails green, brushed my teeth with the river water. I took a pocket knife Gary gave me right before he started sniffing me and batting me around like a bear. Also the same night a man was hit by a car and killed by us. I cut the stickers back that surrounded me and I laid back and listened. Their was no one with me that I could see, but I could feel Him. I said out loud at His first touch, "I recognize that touch anywhere." That wasn't even the beginning of that aura.

Somehow I always get called back to that truck stop. Usually on certain dates I get a phone call. Well if I got the means to get there with what I have on my body, I go. A few months back I was walking through that field when I went back for a visit and their was a toilet up on that mound. I thought to myself, brothers! Brothers have a disgusting sense of humor. Everywhere I go toilets are overflowing. Sure their is always a reason. Their is a mechanical, or scientific reason for just about everything nowadays. We as people rely on those explanations out of fear to what is really going on around us. When I slept at a church it was called Zion. Another toilet over flowed right under my room. I got really sick that one night in that house. I'm sure there is an explanation? Their always seems to be. Next thing you know they have to do an over haul. Another toilet is sitting outside. I would say to the new people who walked in the door "Welcome to the land of Zion." I thought maybe it had to do with my mother? Her name is Zina and her intestines burn sometimes.

My sister got hit so hard with this poison and what this journey has done to her liver and intestines? She has celiac disease for so long so bad she had bald spots. Tiny she became, fatigued and malnourished. She is a sign. Because just before that she was living with a mentally ill man while she went to school and when she stepped out of the bathroom she slipped in his shit. Hit the wall got a concussion, tore her neck and back up, and for 6 months she couldn't get out of bed.

She was an honor student getting ready for finals before she entered her third year in nursing school. The doctors told her her vertigo and all these issues are in her head. Someone put that in her file and after that doctors wouldn't look at her. She finally demanded they drain her liver and black sludge came out. She lost I think 3/4 of her liver. Because a doctor wouldn't listen to her because he put a label on her head. She had to quit nursing school because of this Hell Care System. This happened Christmas 2015 of all times once again in my family. The whole time my sister was misdiagnosed with vertigo my mother had the same symptoms, on medication at the same time. They do not speak nor see each other. Coincidence again?